"It is an honor to present the works of my friends, because art is not only individual creation, but also shared experiences, and thanks to friendships porcelain painting proliferates and finds new lovers. I hope, therefore, that the reader holding thos volume understands the work of these artists as a friendship gesture: a friendship not only between the authors of the artworks, but to everyone interested in them and sharing, generally, the enthusiasm for beauty is invited...
I am certain if you watch with attention, you will find in these pages some moving images, and when eonjoying and sharing them with your loved ones, you will also be participating of the friendship and inspiration that lead us into creating them."
Quelques uns des artistes présents dans ce livre :
Maritza de Gongora, Petra Kugelmeier, Jörg Kugelmeier, Peter Faust, Nelia Ferreira, Alzora Zaremba, Celeste McCall, Yumiko Okumura, Mariela Villasmil-Kaminski, Audny Thuestad, Estela Tenenbaun, Ivonne Planos, Lourdes de la Riva, Josephine Robinson, Coco Gascón, Rosemari Borges, Maria Luisa Brito, Martha Sylvia Mendoza, Martin Lariviere, Mário Duarte, Noémia Travassos, Michéle Cadot, Catherine Bergoin, Beatriz Ramirez, Sol Labos Brien, Tatiana Dallest Agoritsas, Stella de Ramazzini, Maria Antonieta Aparicio, Lars Hannemann, Rocio Borobia, Ardis Reihs, Pilar Burgos, Guadalupe del Cânizo Septien, Patricia Pantoja, Brigida Sieglinde Hertel, Carolina Karam, Daniele Gaston, Yolande Thierrin, Leticia Brito, Cecilia Bejarano, Sybille Binner, Francisco Javier Sánchez, Clotilde Ruegg Riffieux, Benoist Chapel, Lulu Pages, Hélèn Caputo, Mercedes de Miranda, Michela Vismara, Louise Smullen, Becky Hallman, Anna Bokmeyer, Jennell Henderson, Nicole Kundig Torriani, Ellen Wilson Pruitt...
320 pages / 21x30cm